I took a three mile walk this morning around my neighborhood. It was 27 degrees out, but I was layered up and determined to stick to one of the many resolutions I had made for myself: exercising every day.
I can't complain about the walk because I was listening to my favorite podcast by Gary John Bishop. He is uplifting and empowering, and I was feeling really good about myself as I boogied my way past neighbors' houses. The podcast episode I was playing talked about taking action in your life, being present, putting the past aside and concentrating on the future. I was diggin’ it!
Coming home, I took a shortcut through a trail in the forest which abuts a pond. The landscape was gray and brown, and flakes of snow started coming down. But, I was feeling positive vibes about what I was listening to and the fact that I was out in nature and was going to accomplish so much this year.
When I got home, I did my sit-ups, I journaled a little bit more, took a shower, and by 9:00 a.m. I was sitting in front of the computer with a to-do list a mile long. I made my way through those tasks pretty easily, checking off boxes as I completed each one. I renewed my passport online, I organized and sent invitations out to my first book club meeting, I called up the college loan company and had a discussion about next steps, and I finished reading my son’s application for a summer study abroad program.
When I got hungry, I ate a very healthy breakfast of sliced apple and peanut butter, and had two full glasses of water (another resolution). Life was grand. I was killing it in 2023!
About 12:00 o'clock, I got up to make a cup of tea, and wanted a little snack. I rooted in the snack cupboard and took out a large Ziploc bag full of broken up pieces of an undecorated gingerbread house we had never opened over the holidays. Instead of throwing it away, I had broken it into six big pieces (four sides, two roofs) and stashed it away for the kids to pick on.
As I sit here now, an hour later, that zip lock bag is empty. In my stomach, lies an entire gingerbread house. I ATE a gingerbread house. A house!
One resolution is out the window in a single fifteen-minute decision. I’m bullshit.
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