Can we talk about people's personalities when they're walking/running/exercising on my local rail trail?
I will never understand why people don't have the capacity to just raise their hand and say hello to someone who's passing the opposite way. It really pisses me off.
I get it, if you're in the “zone” and you're running with your Lululemon leggings and your $200 running shoes and training for your 17th marathon, and so focused on the task at hand that you legitimately don't register anybody, perhaps, PERHAPS then it’s acceptable to not acknowledge those around you.
But everyone else can kiss my ass.
Acknowledgement is simply a pleasant thing to do. You don't have to say “good morning, I hope you have a great day.” You don't have to say, “hi,” with an excited voice and vigorous wave, just meet my eyes and give a little head nod or half-smile.
When I'm outside in nature, listening to my tunes and thinking about how life might actually be OK, I like to believe that people are good. It ruins my vibe when passed by a cranky jerk who doesn’t acknowledge that we are literally the only two people walking on the rail trail at that exact moment.
Don’t be mean, life is beautiful!